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I heard it loud and clear!

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July 23, 2010
Posts: 144

PostPosted:     Post subject: I heard it loud and clear!
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Let me just say this first. I sure some of you won"t believe a word I say, and that understand'a-ble, You see I also had to come to turns with what happen to me that day.James now my ex,had left to go to work and the kid's was at mother .This was My off day so I was determined to spend it in bed.Well while laying there faceing the door. Behind me I heard a loud but strong voice.saying Sharon. James is going too call you, and tell you that you won the lottery.and the phone is about to ring.Let me tell you I didn't move nor did I look behind me because I thought I was dreaming, at the least. Until the phone rang . I pick the phone up and said, Hello James I know you are about to tell me I won the lottery . He then say to me ok but how did you know?. I sat up and told him because The person behind me told me so. Well no need to say what happen next, all you need to know is that it took me less then two min. I was dress and out the door. Upon going back to my place. I was never going to be alone any more .When they left so did I until we move. The number that I won own that day was 213 for 40 dollar's.

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`I believe these things happen.

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`A fun quick way to see if you and your pet have any telepathic abilities with each other. While watching TV with your pet, stare at the TV set and think of getting a special treat out of the refridgerator and giving it to your pet. Think of the smell of the treat, how the treat feels in your hand, think of how much your pet is going to enjoy the treat. Do this for about 3 minutes and see if your pet goes excitedly running into the kitchen right for the refridgerator, without you moving your body. Sometimes it works and freaks out the pet owners... try it !

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